Monday, June 25, 2007

Movie Review: Mr. Brooks

Mr. Brooks captured my attention because the name is o so familiar to me. So I checked the movie out. To my suprise, I was expecting a brillantly, thrilling, spellbounding movie only to get a comecial don't get me wrong the movie takes you into the a mind of a schizo, but the movie was so bad that it was good.
I kept thinking about this comedian's stereotype of a white christian man: he can kill you or rape you and still go to church on Sunday's mornings (in bibical terms: having the appearance of godliness but denying the power therein 2 Timothy 3:1-5). But that comedian misstepped the stereotype because WE are all subject to that debacle standard, not all are living it but we are all subject to it. BUT this movie didn't help the stereotype any...because Mr. Brooks kept praying and quoting scriptures yet he kept killing.
Mr. Brooks, who is played by Kevin Costner, is a story about a man with a murderous alter ego. The movie was dominated with him and his alter ego. Even though the movie tried to captured the life of a tough detective (played by Demi Moore) and a symbiotic relationship between her and Mr. Brooks, but the attempt failed, greatly.
There were a lot of twisted mind games and dialogue in this movie. It wheels you into a psychological thriller and once the movie is over you will be grateful you living among sane people, at least you hope.

I give this movie: 3 TIARAS

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